DOR debt offset program expansion; IRS agreement provisions [Sec. 1805-1812, 1815d, 3224-3226, 9443 (6)]
Act 28
Emergency services expenditures by county or municipality may not be less than 2009 expenditures; DOR duties [Sec. 1900k] -
Act 28
ERTID tax increments applied to another ERTID created by the same political subdivision authorized, conditions specified -
Act 66
Ethanol and biodiesel fuel pump tax credits: computation order [Sec. 1583, 1670, 9343 (2), (14), 9443 (2)]
Act 28
Financial record matching program re state delinquent debts [Sec. 602, 1804, 9443 (7)] [1804 — partial veto]
Act 28
Income tax reciprocity between Wisconsin and Minnesota: DOR in conjunction with Minnesota Department of Revenue to study, report required -
Act 359
Intoxicating liquor manufacturer or rectifier permitted to sell or provide free taste samples directly to consumers for consumption on or off the premises; licensing, DOR, and winery permit provisions [Sec. 2318j-x] -
Act 28
Jobs Tax Benefit created [Sec. 620, 1540d, 1569, 1593b, 1598d, 1625d, 1654, 1677b, 1688d, 1702d, 1720, 1741b, 1873d, 3070, 9110 (6), (7), 9443 (11)] -
Act 28
Legal Services, Division of, created in DOA; authorized to provide and charge for legal services to executive cabinet agencies only; classified attorney positions in specified agencies deleted [Sec. 31, 48, 560, 3408, 9457 (1)]
Act 28
Local property assessor certification renewal: notary requirement eliminated (remedial legislation)
Act 234
Managed Forest Land Program revisions, DNR and DOR duties -
Act 365
Military family relief fund created; individual income tax checkoff for donations created [Sec. 540s, 602s, 665ss, 668s, 1593e, 2773s, 9136 (2c), 9343 (5c)] -
Act 28
Property taxes and personal property taxes: revisions re refunded or rescinded taxes reported to DOR, charge-back to taxing jurisdiction of taxes owed, and when payment is due -
Act 171
Records re income, franchise, or sales tax returns: penalties for failure to provide; standard response time, standard for noncompliance, and penalty waivers to be set by rule [Sec. 1796, 1854] -
Act 28
Regional (Dane County, Chippewa Valley, and Chequamegon) transit authorities created; provisions re referenda and funding Dane County highway projects [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Regional planning"]
Act 28
Reinvested capital gains: procedure created for certain persons to defer taxation; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1535, 1544, 3073] -
Act 28
School levy tax credit revisions [Sec. 629d, e, 1815b, 1906d, 1917d] -
Act 28
Second Harvest Food Banks in Wisconsin that are members of Feeding America: individual income tax checkoff for donations; distribution to certain municipalities specified [Sec. 602s, 632i, 1593g, 9343 (6q)] -
Act 28
Seller's permit: list of persons with revoked permit on DOR Internet site [Sec. 1814, 9443 (1)]
Act 28
Tax laws: enhanced enforcement to increase state tax revenues; annual report required [Sec. 1815g] [vetoed]
TID administrative procedure revisions, DOR duties -
Act 312
TID created before certain date may be designated as distressed or severely distressed, conditions specified; DOR and donor TID provisions -
Act 310
TID number 4 in Village of Elmwood: DOR certification of a value increment -
Act 170
TID number 6 in City of Sheboygan and TID number 18 in City of Waukesha: provisions modified and DOR duties
Act 176
TID number 10 in City of Chippewa Falls: filing certain forms with DOR -
Act 5
TID number 2 in City of Racine: life extended -
Act 67
TIF districts: DOR to impose annual fee; administrative appropriation modified re municipal costs [Sec. 606, 1456, 1489, 1490, 9443 (4)] -
Act 28
Tribal tax refund and sharing agreements expanded; use tax credit for purchases made on Native American lands [Sec. 1815, 1841, 1841b, 1848, 2338, 2401, 9443 (8), (14q)]
Act 28
Court interpreter pilot project in seventh judicial administrative district authorized [Sec. 609, 9109 (1), 9409 (1)]
Act 28
Bicycle and EPAMD distance from parked vehicle requirement limited to school bus or motor bus, audible signal when passing deleted; opening motor vehicle door on a highway without checking traffic first prohibited, passengers under age 16 and forfeiture provisions -
Act 22
Business advertising sign in highway right-of-way prohibited, exceptions and penalty provisions -
Act 227
Failure-to-stop requirements expanded to include vehicle that departs a highway or certain premises; reporting requirement and owner liability provisions -
Act 62
Huron Road beautification project: DOT grant to Village of Bellevue required [Sec. 294p, r, 9150 (4c), 9450 (14d)]
Act 28
Lightweight utility vehicle: limited-purpose operation on highways allowed, pilot program provision
Act 157
Littering: maximum forfeiture increased, large item of solid waste provisions -
Act 368
Low-speed vehicles: operation on certain highways with speed limit of 35 mph or less permitted, exceptions and ordinance provision; neighborhood electric vehicle redefined as a low-speed vehicle and electric power requirement removed; forfeiture and demerit point provisions -
Act 311
Municipality's highways: transfer of jurisdiction and ownership to American Indian tribe or band or agency of the U.S. government on behalf of a tribe or band permitted; dispute resolution procedure and public use re vehicular traffic provisions -
Act 231
Petition or resolution to discontinue a public way or public facility: if a railroad crossing is included, a copy must be sent to the Commissioner of Railroads -
Act 107
Petition or resolution to discontinue a public way or public facility: if a railroad crossing is included, a copy must be sent to the Commissioner of Railroads -
Act 223
Streetscaping project in City of Racine: DOT required to award grants [Sec. 9150 (5f)] -
Act 28
Structural collapse emergency response: establishment of regional structural collapse teams, standards specified; DEM duties set -
Act 43
Vehicle or combination of vehicles operating under a Michigan border permit may operate solely in Wisconsin; DOT appendix report re vehicle weight limits -
Act 229
Vehicles transporting raw forest products: exception to special weight limits re certain permit; suspension of permit and highway limitation provisions; DOT appendix report
Act 222
Veterans memorial highway or bridge and specified veterans memorials, homes, and museums: DOT required to identify on highway maps -
Act 126
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities: incorporation into highway and street projects; bikeway and pedestrian way defined [Sec. 1918gr] -
Act 28
Bicycle and pedestrian path along STH 102 in Village of Rib Lake: DOT required to construct [Sec. 1918L]
Act 28
Borrow sites for state highway construction projects: not subject to local zoning in certain cases; sunset provided [Sec. 1921e] -
Act 28
Construction work (including road work) re project directly or indirectly owned, funded, or reimbursed by a private person: counties may not perform [Sec. 1444v] [vetoed]
CTH ``X" in Chippewa County: DOT to award grant for rehabilitation if economic stimulus funds not received [Sec. 9150 (5b)] -
Act 28
CTH ``KP" repaving project between villages of Cross Plains and Mazomanie: DOT required to complete [Sec. 9150 (12y)] -
Act 28
Eisner Avenue project in Sheboygan County: DOT to award discretionary grants from local roads improvement program; local match provision [Sec. 9150 (10g)] -
Act 28
Federal economic stimulus funds re transportation projects: certain DOT reporting requirements to JCF modified; transportation projects specified [Sec. 553, 9150 (1)]
Act 2
Highway project design inventory requirement [Sec. 1918gp] -
Act 28
Highway project development report [Sec. 9150 (4d)] [vetoed] -
Highway project preparation work conducted by DOT staff: position and funding revisions [Sec. 9150 (5dd)]
Act 28
I 90/94/39 at Cuba Valley Road, Dane County: DOT to construct interchange; funding requirement; FHWA to approve location [Sec. 1918h] -
Act 28
Manitowoc Road reconstruction project: DOT grant to Village of Bellevue required [Sec. 9150 (5cc)]
Act 28
Marquette interchange and I 94 north-south corridor reconstruction project bonding authority increased; use of owner-controlled insurance program specified [Sec. 295m, 650]
Act 28
Prevailing wage applicability thresholds, records, and publicly funded private construction projects; local and municipal public works projects [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Wage — Payment"] -
Act 28
USH 61 between Village of Dickeyville and City of Lancaster: DOT required to complete pavement rehabilitation project [Sec. 9150 (5i)] -
Act 28
USH 12 (between cities of Elkhorn and Whitewater) environmental assessment: revision re required prior approval from TPC [Sec. 1918i] [vetoed] -
Zoo interchange reconstruction project boundaries expanded [Sec. 1919] -
Act 28
Construction work (including road work) re project directly or indirectly owned, funded, or reimbursed by a private person: counties may not perform [Sec. 1444v] [vetoed]
Highway project design inventory requirement [Sec. 1918gp] -
Act 28
I 90/94/39 at Cuba Valley Road, Dane County: DOT to construct interchange; funding requirement; FHWA to approve location [Sec. 1918h] -
Act 28
``Jeannetta Simpson-Robinson Memorial Highway": DOT to designate and mark portion of I 43 within the City of Milwaukee, contributions from interested parties provision
Act 151
General transportation aids: funding amounts revised [Sec. 1941-1943] -
Act 28
I 90/94/39 at Cuba Valley Road, Dane County: DOT to construct interchange; funding requirement; FHWA to approve location [Sec. 1918h] -
Act 28
Local roads improvement program: discretionary component modified [Sec. 1944-1946] -
Act 28
Major highway development and rehabilitation funding [Sec. 650t, x, 1918gs, gt, 1926g, m] -
Act 28
Petroleum inspection fund transfers to the general, recycling and renewable energy, environmental, and transportation funds [Sec. 9210 (1f)-(2f), (3q)] -
Act 28
Regional (Dane County, Chippewa Valley, and Chequamegon) transit authorities created; provisions re referenda and funding Dane County highway projects [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Regional planning"]
Act 28
Transportation fund revenue use for general fund purposes [Sec. 650m, 9150 (9i)] -
Act 28
Transportation revenue bonding limit increased [Sec. 1928] -
Act 28
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